If you are interested in becoming a member of Friedens Church, there are two ways to unite with the church:
Transfer of membership from another church family.
By profession of faith. If you have been baptized, it is not necessary to be baptized again. If you have not been baptized, you can be baptized when you join.
There are two central questions we ask of persons joining our church family:
- "Do you profess faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?"
The fundamental and core belief of Christianity is a firm belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God, lived out his mission from God by living as an example, and then ultimately died on the cross. Furthermore, through the power of God he was raised from the dead, and as he ascended into heaven promised to send us the Holy Spirit as a comforter, counselor, and guide for living.
- "Will you be a committed member of Friedens United Church of Christ and uphold it by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service?"
Our commitment to uphold the Church through intercessory prayer is based upon the fundamental reality that we are not simply a human agency seeking to meet human needs: we pray because we require God's guidance in order to be the church. When we pray for our pastor, for our teachers, for one another, and for those who may never even enter our doors, we express our dependence on God so that we might in turn express the will and compassion of Christ.
Our commitment to uphold the Church by our presence is a visible witness of our faith, both in the pew and in the world. Our relationship to Christ is nurtured by our presence in worship where we find spiritual guidance, comfort and strength. But our relationship to Christ is not confined to Sunday morning alone. We also uphold the Church by our presence at home, at work, at school, and in the community. Wherever we are, our presence should be an expression of our commitment to Christ.
Our commitment to uphold the Church by our gifts is a thankful response from the heart for all God has given us. Such a commitment serves to remind us of our role as stewards over what God has entrusted to us. The systematic giving of our money also helps to establish and maintain ministries that no individual or single congregation could fund alone. These worthy causes include hospitals; colleges; rehabilitation centers; food and clothing distribution; evangelistic and educational work, and emergency relief.
Our commitment to be loyal to the Church and uphold it by our service further reflects our commitment to follow the example of Christ, who came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). God has entrusted all of us with certain talents and abilities, and sharing these gifts is a means of sharing ourselves out of love and gratitude toward God and love for one another.
If you would like further information on becoming a member, or any information regarding Friedens United Church of Christ, the Pastors Dave and Sonja Phillips would be happy to visit with you at any time. Please call the church office at (830) 303-7729 to arrange a visit.
Information for Members
If you are a member of Friedens, and need to make address, telephone, etc. changes to your record, please call the office at 830-303-7729 or email the church at: secretary@friedens-churchtx.org
Helping us to keep your information current is greatly appreciated. See you in church Sunday!