Friedens Early Learning Academy Wait List

Waiting List

Submit this form to the FELA Director to be placed on our waiting list.

Priority registration is given to children of Friedens Early Learning Academy staff and administration, siblings of children already enrolled and Friedens United Church of Christ members. Submittal of this application will place your child on our waiting list. You will be notified if an opening becomes available. Please note the submittal of this application does not assure your child’s enrollment. It is possible for someone who applied after you did to be offered a spot before you, if we find it necessary to achieve a balance between boys and girls, older or younger children, scheduling or to maintain diversity in our classrooms.


Date ______________________


Parent’s Name __________________________________________


Email _________________________________________________


Phone Number__________________________________________


Are you an active member of Friedens United Church of Christ? Yes No


Siblings Currently Enrolled in FELA Yes No


Child’s Name____________________________________________


Child’s DOB or Due Date___________________________________


Gender Female Male


Do you have another child on our waiting list? Yes No


Please circle your preferred schedule below.


18months - 2years

5 days a week - full time

5 days a week - ½ days

Monday/Wednesday/Friday - full days

Monday/Wednesday/Friday - half days

Tuesday/Thursday - full days

Tuesday/Thursday - ½ days


3 years – 4 years (children must be fully potty trained)

5 days a week - full time

5 days a week - ½ days


Preferred Start Date___________________________________________


Parent Signature______________________________________________


Director’s Signature___________________________________________


Date received________________________________________________